Club Raffles

Every week we hold raffles at the club to assist various groups within the club raise funds. Who this money goes to can change throughout the year, but generally speaking:

Friday Night Raffles – starting from 5pm.

2x Meat Tray, 1x Fruit Tray, 2x vouchers.

All funds raised through raffle sales on Friday are allocated to the general club supporters account. This is money raised to assist in the daily running of the club and is available for various things that need to be done within all areas and groups of the club.

During Nippers season though, the raffles are run by and donated to the Nippers department.

Sunday Night Raffles – starting from 5pm.

2x Meat Trays, 1x Fruit Tray, 2x vouchers

All funds raised on Sundays are donated straight to the Boaties. These are a group of members within the club that practice, race or enjoy rowing. We have two large boats available at the club, and always welcome new members.